I am a mother first, a photographer second, of course I am most passionate about being a mother, but photography for me is a close second. I feel fortunate to be able to what I love, but sometimes I feel like something is missing. Capturing beautiful moments of love, laughter and even sorrow for my clients is exactly what I cherish about being a photographer. Nothing makes me happier than to see the surprise and joy on clients faces when they see their loved ones and themselves in a different light. But I want to give back to the world, shoot with a purpose. 2 years ago I decided to donate my talent to two families, family friends, who were on the verge of devastating loss, whose sons were losing their battle with cancer, Evan lost his battle just a month after our photo shoot. Sam lived for 2 more years after our photo shoot. The experience and the images I took are branded into my heart. But what could I do, just me, donate more sessions, yes sure I could do that and I may still do that once in a while, but I can't live off of that and it won't save anyone. I knew I had to go a step further to make a difference. Now that's where you come in. Help me help you and together we can make a difference, book a session and 25% of my fees will be donated to help the advancement of treatment for childhood cancer, More details below.
Please meet Sam Lee and Evan Thornton:
I am joining forces with "With Purpose" in honor of these two beautiful souls who lost their lives far too early to cancer. . For Sam Lee who passed away on 3-14-16 at the age of 5 years old after a 3 year battle with DIPG and Evan Thornton who passed away on 9-12-14 at the age of 13, after a 2 year battle with Ewigs Sarcoma. These two are family friends, my children knew them both, their deaths were impossible to explain.
Did you know every year, more children in the United States are lost to cancer than any other disease? Yet less than 4% of the federal funding for cancer goes toward childhood cancer research. With Purpose is a non-profit organization dedicated to filling the funding gap in a totally unique way.
Details: For new clients only when you book a children, family or friend photo session with me between July 1st - December 1st and 25% of your session fee will be donated to "With Purpose" a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing treatment for childhood cancer.
Session price is $400/Includes up to 6 people, each additional person is $25/2 hour session/20 high resolution photos printable to 8x10, password protected gallery with approximately 100 edited images for you to choose your 20 images from. Through your online gallery you will be able to order beautiful prints, wall art, and cards through a professional print house.
Does not include H.S. Senior or Headshot sessions.
When booking please mention "with purpose" to be a part of the fundraiser.
I am happy to announce that coming soon I will be having #iamhappy mini sessions, check back for details.
To explain what the "iamhappy" campaign is all about please read this beautiful post from Sam's mom Erin about this journey she has faced, it will change you and then look below at the photos from Erin & Mike's #iamhappy photo session with their beautiful girls Ada and Mae.
“A part of me has been running since Sam was diagnosed. I knew it was bad when the first doctor we spoke to wouldn’t answer my questions.
Him: “We found a mass in his brainstem.”
Me: “A mass? You mean a tumor?”
Him: “Yes, a tumor. Our neuro-oncologist will be in tomorrow morning to explain more.”
Me: “Tomorrow morning?! Well, how big is it? What kind of tumor is it? What grade is it?”
Him: “It’s not small. The neuro-oncologist will be able to give you more details tomorrow.”
In that moment a part of my mind and soul fractured from reality and began planning our escape. We would go everywhere, and do everything. We would manufacture joy at any cost; scrape the fun out of each moment because we knew they were limited. WE WOULD MAKE SAM HAPPY! Good plan right?
Perhaps, but in order to execute a plan like that you have to run. You have to pack up your newborns and your very sick child, put a smile on your face and turn off the part of your brain screaming “SAVE HIM!”….and just run.
And run we did. We ran to Atlanta, Washington DC, New York City, Disney World, Puerto Rico, Malibu and the Wisconsin Dells. We ran from our home and jobs in South Carolina, relocating with family and friends in Minnesota. We ran to museums, zoos, toy stores, beaches and parks. But we weren’t fast enough.
On March 9th, an MRI confirmed that Sam had hours to days left. We couldn’t run anymore. So I knelt down before that beautiful child and pleaded with him to tell me what I could do to make him happy. His response, “I am happy.” He died in the early hours of March 14th.
Those three words are my new plan. I will chase down happiness even when fear wraps her arms around my throat making it seemingly impossible to draw breath or sadness descends on my mind like a heavy cloud, blurring my life into something unrecognizable. I will close my eyes and see Sam running towards me with his arms up in the air and I will run to him. I will chase the shadow of a boy who was happy despite all that he endured. I will see the love and beauty around me and I will be happy too.”